So! Ich habe es gemacht! Ich habe mich für den Somba Kickstart Kurs bei Sigrun angemeldet. Dieser Kurs soll mir helfen dieses Jahr einen eigenen online Kurs auf die Beine zu stellen. Einer der Punkte , die ich mir für dieses Jahr fest vorgenommen habe.
Zu Beginn des Kurses musste ich mich der Gruppe auf englisch vorstellen.Hier meine Vorstellung:
Hello great Ladies
I am Heike from Papenburg in Northern Germany .
I believe I am the oldest participant in this group. I soon become 72 years old.
After my divorce I had no thoughts what I would love to do with my now free life. Over the last nearly 20 years I tried all sorts of crazy things. From motorbiking alone, sailing as a crew the Pacific between New Zealand and Australia, house sitting in many parts of the world like China, Japan and many european countries and travelling solo through Australia for nearly a year alone. I also had an offline business in New Zealand and Germany.
On this trip in a new life I had a true compagnion: Art in whatever form. First it was mainly textile art – I had studied this ages ago – and more and more it became drawing mandalas. Paper is much easier to transport than a sewing machine!
Parallel to these chapters I tried I became a travel escort for an american Travel Company. This is now a big part of my life I never again wish to miss in my life.
But parallel to my travels for business and privately I know I wish to teach women how to draw mandalas as a alternative to meditation. For learning how to do this I am here.
I couldn’t find somebody else in this group who also wants to design art classes online. Is there somebody? But I found that many ladies with their future online businesses could find association in their business with a cooperation.
During the last years I also worked as a model for a photographer. So I mainly have black and white photos.